The logistics team
The logistic team at EFO is the heart of our business as how to transport the waste from one point to another is a crucial part of the case.
The logistic team at EFO is the heart of our business as to how to transport the waste from one point to another is a crucial part of the case. At EFO the logistic team plans and coordinates the supply, and our main goal is never to use primary logistics. Instead, we take advantage of the imbalance in the constant flow of logistics and fill it with what we call fuel. This is a key part of EFO’s business model, enabling us to relocate energy at a good benefit for both our owners and for the global loop of waste and energy.
Every day, goods are being shipped but as many carriers on both land and sea go empty one way, we use this as an opportunity to fill it up with fuels for our heaters in Sweden. And since many countries do not have the same ability to turn waste into heat and energy, it is a win-win situation. Simply put – the EFO logistic team turns a problem somewhere into an opportunity elsewhere.
Today, we concentrate mainly on finding fuels in Europe and our main means of transportation is carried out by train, by sea, and by road. Tomorrow, we are aiming for relocating energy globally.
The logistics team